Ngawi Brie is one of our very popular pasteurized cows milk cheeses. A white mould cheese matured and ready to eat. Soft, oozing inner texture, with a nutty/mushroomy, flavour. This is a favourite for not just the French! Totally vegetable rennet. As well as munching into it on crusty bread or crackers, you could try taking off the top rind covering it with chutney and pine nuts and putting it in a camembert baker in the oven until it is soft, maybe 10 mins in a medium oven. and eating it from the pot. Also delicious and decadent sliced on a pizza. Don't let it sit in your fridge for too long as the cheese will discolour and become very earthy. Our Ngawi brie is very popular and we send it out firm, so by the time it arrives with you it should be maturing nicely. If very firm, leave it on the bench until it feels like a woman's breast!!!
Made From: Cow's Milk
Shelf Life: 1 month
Form: 220gm blocks (available to add to shopping cart). For larger quantities please email us.